
Our new HQ

Yesterday marked an important milestone for our business and team at C-Sense Planning. We have finally set up shop and relocated to the heart of Glasgow!

One to One Tutorials

Planning and Project Control is probably one of the few professions in the construction industry where very little or limited formal training and academic qualification is available to equip and better educate, especially the younger, professionals coming into the profession.

An NEC3 Problem

This family suite of NEC3 has been in use in the Construction Industry (and perhaps other industries) for more than 25 years now and I am amazed and at the same time perplexed by the little understanding on the application this form by experienced, and lesser experienced, practitioners.

Launching the New Us!

This year we see the launch of our brand  new  logo  –  designed  by  Ed’s  childhood  friend  and  local  artist Scott Sandlan ( – and website and, through our network, further expansion in the London market.